Links to Genealogy Resources

From Vermont State Library Resources

Vermont residents can research Vermont birth, marriage, and death records from 1909-2008 on for free if they first sign up for a account. You can read more about how to access Ancestry (as well as at our info page.

Additional Recommended Resources

Vermont Specific Research

The Vermont Historial Society maintains a list of places to find Vermont genealogy information.

The Vermont State Archives houses a large collection specifically related to Vermont history useful for genealogy research.

The Vermont Genealogy Library has a wide range of resources, classes, and assistance for researching ancestry.

Family Search contains some, but not all, Vermont birth, marriage, and death records in the state registry from 1760-2003.

The Vermont Digital Newspaper Project provides the ability to search thousands of pages of historic newspapers from around the state.

Genealogical Society of Vermont can assist you in your Vermont-specific searches.

The list of Vermont Town Clerks can help you know who to contact in order to find local records.

Outside of Vermont Research provides thousands of genealogy related links. If you are looking for an obscure document or list, this is the place.

The Ellis Island website requires free registration and provides passenger lists. allows searching of obituaries from the United States and some foreign countries.

Chronicling America is a massive collection of historic newspapers from the United States. It is maintained by the Library of Congress.

The New England Historic Genealogical Society can assist your search in the New England area. 

Find A Grave can help you locate, and in some cases find an image of, graves all over the country.