Peacham Library’s Online Catalog

We have upgraded our catalog system to Koha ILS and participate as a consortium member of VOKAL (The Vermont Organization of Koha Automated Libraries) along with over 55 other libraries.

We are pleased to offer new self-service options from your personal library account through the catalog. To use the options click on the “Log in to Your Account” in the upper right hand corner of the catalog page (

You will be asked for your Login and Password.

If you do not know your account number you can request it here.

Once on the account page there are many things you can do with your account.

The “my summary” page will show items checked out, items on hold and any messages that the library may have for you. To renew all items that may be renewed simply click renew all or select renew on each line item. You may not be able to renew some items due to their being requested by other patrons or other renewal policies in place.

“My fines” will show any fines or charges that you may owe if applicable.

The “my personal details” page will show the information that the library has on your address, phone and email. To update this please contact the library staff.

To change your password click on the “change my password” link, enter in your current password and then your new password and hit “submit” to save. We do advise changing your password the first time you use your account.

Under “my reading history” you will now be able to see your checkout history and the date the items were checked in at the library.

You can now keep your own private lists under “my lists” of items you wish to take action on in the future. Use this link to create a list name. Once you have it created you can add items to it while searching the catalog. Simply click on “save to lists” in actions and choose which list.

While in the catalog you can also place items on hold by selecting “place hold” under the actions. Please note that you can only place items on hold at your home library. See a staff member about placing holds at other libraries.

In the catalog you can also save items to a cart. The cart function is simply a temporary gathering place to store items. You can then use this list to print, email or place a hold on the items. The cart will empty when you log out. You do not need to be logged in to use a cart.

You can search our online catalog from anywhere that has internet access.  Click Library Catalog to go straight to the catalog.