Peacham Library Report for 2023

“The public library is where place and possibility meet.”

– Stuart Dybek

Over 7,500 people visited Peacham Library during our last fiscal year. They came for programs, meetings, classes and of course BOOKS! 

The library hosted 185 programs and events throughout the year, attended by over 2,500 people. Our regular programs included weekly Coffee Hour, Story Time, Meditation Hour, Tai Chi, French Conversation and monthly meetings of Readers Delight and “Aging Well in Peacham”. Our Winter Coffeehouse Series featured Fifth Business, Rake Factory Union, Jonathan “Doc” Kaplan & Carol Hausner, and Loud Moon. Gilmore Gallery featured exhibits by Jenny Roy, Jay Hessey, Dean Bornstein, Ed Kadunc’s Danville Artist Group, Textile Artists of Peacham and Nancy Fowler. Last March the gallery hosted a  special show of Quilts, both old and new.  The star of the show was a very special Mystery Book Quilt made and donated by Diana Senturia, which was then raffled off, with all proceeds benefiting the library. Other programs held this past year include Safety in the Backcountry, Teen Movies, Gardening Programs, Death Cafe, and our Holiday High Tea. We once again served as the pie stop for the Annual Fall Fondo.

We circulated over 8,000 items, an increase of about 1,200 items, which is  a 20% increase over last year. Nearly one third of items are borrowed through Libby (eBooks and audiobooks) and Kanopy (movies). We fulfilled 652 requests from patrons, providing books and movies from other libraries.

The Town Selectboard, Planning Commission, Development Review Board, Energy Committee, Peacham Community Housing, PFD #1, Peacham Historical Association, School Board, Peacham Congregational Church, East Peacham Baptist Church, Peacham Corner Guild and Democratic Caucus all held meetings at the library.

It is thanks to your generous approval of our Town Appropriation request that  we are able to provide this level of programming and services. Our budget comes from three sources: town appropriation, fundraising and donations, and withdrawal from our investments. Our investment amount varies year to year, but should never be more than 5% of the average value over the past four years, as recommended by our financial advisors. Our fundraising efforts have increased over the past few years to keep up with our increasing expenses. The town appropriation covers the cost of keeping  the library open for 18 weeks of the year.


Peacham Library exists in Peacham because of you, our community.  Thank you for all you do to help us bring the library and its resources to you.  Thank you, too, for your generosity and support at town meeting and throughout the year. 

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Smolinsky, Director