Peacham Library Services

Peacham Library offers a wide range of services.

Items to check out:

Movies (DVD and video tape)
Audiobooks (cassette tape, CD and downloadable)

Library Cards and Circulation

Library cards are issued to anyone who asks for one. Each member of a family should have their own library card. You do not need to be a resident of Peacham to have a library card. You number allows you to check out items from the Library and from Listen Up! Vermont.

Unless held on reserve, Library materials generally circulate for three weeks and may be renewed indefinitely unless requested by other patrons. Failure to return materials in a timely fashion will result initially in a phone call or letter from the Directors. Persistent failure to return materials after two notifications by the Directors may result in a bill to the patron for a sum sufficient to replace the missing item. Patrons are expected to return materials as nearly as possible in the condition in which they left the Library.


Visit our Resources page for links to find books, videos, online classes and more.


Use the computers at the Library or obtain wireless access for your computer.

Home Delivery

Can’t get to the library because of health or a disability? We will deliver items to you! Call the Library to ask for a home delivery. We prefer if you can give us titles/authors of books that you prefer, but we have been known to select items based on authors and genres you like. Please limit your requests to no more than 10 items.

Meeting Space

The Meeting Room and the Reading Room are available on a first come first serve basis to groups and individuals in the community for non-alcoholic functions. Use of the rooms should be reserved with the Director at least a week in advance. Those who use the rooms are expected to remove all trash and leave the space as they found it. Regulations governing the use of the Library are available from the Director and posted in the Meeting Room. Donations are always appreciated. The Library is not responsible for losses or injuries incurred while using the Library