Volunteer at Peacham Library

Are you interested in helping out at Peacham Library? We have several opportunities for people who like to be active participants in helping the library, both on a regular basis and on the occasional basis; a partial list is given below.  If you are interested, please stop by the library to talk with the Director.

The Development Committee of the Peacham Library Board of Trustees is always interested in expanding the group of dedicated and energetic library supporters. The Development Committee is tasked with creating fundraising events to raise 10% of our budget. All community members are most welcome to join us in our fun efforts for this great institution.

Volunteer Opportunities

Book Sale
Help sell books (July 4 and Fall Foliage)
Help sort books for sales

Coffee Hour
Bake “goodies” for coffee hour
Host coffee hour once a month

Development Committee
Organize fundraising events
Provide food for various events

Help organize gallery exhibits
Show your artwork

Library work
Adopt a shelf—keep a bookshelf organized
Help repair books

Help keep the library building in good repair
Help paint the library

Coordinate games program (Scrabble, chess, Euro-games)
Lead book discussion group
Perform at monthly coffee house (winter months)
Present a program of interest to the community
Supervise children’s movies

Offer “how-to” classes
Work with the library to keep our machines running